
Chinese chives - fresh spice with a bright aroma of garlic.
Very early and juicy vitamin greens! Flowering plants have a pleasant aroma of hyacinth.
Perennial. The leaves are elastic, narrow-linear (35-50 cm long), dark green, tender, jui..
Russian Garlic (Twisted-Leaf Garlic) - Allium obliquum L.
Perennial, mid-early (30-35 days from the beginning of regrowth to technical suitability) type of onion.
The leaves are dark green without wax coating, wide, flat, pointed at the e..
Vernal onion "Elista" - Allium cepa L.
Type: Spring
Days since sowing: 122
Fruit weight: up to 110 g.
Early onion variety with very attractive elliptical shape.
ELISTA has a nice bronze skin and good storability. Cooks appreci..
Red onion "Lilia" refers to sweet varieties. The bulbs are large, dense, weighing 100-120 g, round-oval in shape, with a run down. The colour of dry scales is dark purple. The lightness is good.
Harvest used for winter storage must be well..
Welsh bunching onion.
The taste is semi-sharp, the leaves are juicy and tender. They don't get rough for a long time.
A very early frost-resistant variety of onion, intended for all-season cultivation. Forms a powerful vertical rosette of thin ..
Welsh Onion "Freddy" - Allium fistulosum L..
Sowing time: May.
Harvesting: July, August.
Planting method: open ground. Plant spacing: 25-30 cm. Row spacing: 40 cm.
1,0 g = 250-350 seeds.
Perennial plant with high frost resi..
Сhive "Medium Leaf" - Allium schoenoprasum.
Greens - all year round!
A perennial plant known as chives and chives. Delicate leaves with a pleasant semi-sharp taste, quickly grow back in spring, forming a dense bush 20-35 cm high..
Сhive "Winter Bush" - Allium schoenoprasum.
Vitamin greens for the family - all year round!
Perennial salad onions. Tender and juicy greens have a characteristic aroma and rich semi-sharp taste. The plant is highly unpretentious..